Sunday, December 14, 2008


Briana and Bernie after the haircut is done.
Almost done. Just have to even it out.

Almost done with the one side.

The first cut.

Briana looking at the mirror before her haircut.

Yesterday I took Briana to get her haircut. She did really well. She was fine as long as she could chew on my finger. It is nice to now be able to see her eyes. She looks so much older now. They grow up so fast. Ayden just enjoyed touching everything on the tree while I was trying to get Briana to sit still.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Macaroni and cheese

Yesterday was a big day for Ayden. First, when he went potty at Grandmas house he was super excited that he made a letter like in mommy's name. The night before we were writing on a calendar with the first letters in our names. A for Ayden, W for Wes, S for Sara, and B for Briana. Ayden did a great job of writing the letters except for W which he wrote an M. Every time he sees an A he says it is for Ayden. Now every time he sees an S it is for Sara even if it is the S in the toilet:)

Then for dinner last night, he ate macaroni and cheese and meatloaf. He even asked for seconds on the macaroni and cheese. He said, "I like this macaroni." It is amazing what you like when you try food.

Briana has added peas to her list of foods she loves. Last night, she tried to add macaroni and cheese when she pulled her daddy's plate toward her. Luckily daddy caught it in time and she didn't get to try it.