Friday, November 27, 2009

Christmas Season

Ayden has been asking about the lights that we see around our house. I have told him it is too early for Christmas lights. We can put them up but we can't turn them on until after we go to Luke's house. He has been fine with that. He has even yelled at houses for having their lights on. He says they are busted. Today, as we traveled home from Target, he wanted to know why lights weren't on. I told him it is too light outside. He started yelling from the backseat, "Hey everybody, it isn't too early now, start turning on your lights." He just cracks me up.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Happy Birthday, AYDEN

Happy 4th Birthday to Ayden. Today, I woke him up singing Happy Birthday. I asked him how old he was when I put him in the car. He said he was 3. I told him it was his birthday today. He still said 3, "Mommy, at my Candyland party I will be 4." When we got to grandma's house, she wished him a happy birthday. She asked him how old he was. He said, "I am 4 today and I will still be 4 at my Candyland party." At least he got the point. When I asked him where he wanted to go eat for his dinner he said Texas Roadhouse. I told him I thought he didn't like the food. He said, "Mom, I like the cinnamon butter." That works for me.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Junie B. Jones

Last night, Briana was a fuss bucket so she went to bed early. Ayden and I decided to go to the garden to pick beans. He got rather bored and decided that it would be much more fun to climb up the hill and play in the parking lot. I heard him so I looked up and saw he was walking on the curb. I went back to picking beans. He yelled down at me, "Mom, I can see you." I yelled back, "I know, I can see you too." without looking up at him. He yelled back, "Actually, you didn't exactly look up here." So, I looked up and he was happy. I thought to myself, please don't be as ornery as Junie B. Jones. At least when you are three it is still funny.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Well, it has been a while since I have posted. Ayden has been into playing games lately. Yesterday we played Candyland, Chutes and Ladders, and Memory. He did really well at memory which isn't surprising since he remembers everything. He just picked out a theme for his birthday party so we could send out invitations. We got the supplies on Saturday. He is so excited about his Candyland party. He came into our room last night after 10 to tell Wes that he just can't wait for his Candyland party. He told Grandma Cooper all about it today when he was dropped off. He is so excited. We tend to not tell him about things until it is time because we will hear about it until it happens.

Briana has started walking. We went out and got her new shoes this weekend. She is not a fan of putting things on her feet. She does love to walk though. She still prefers to have you walk her around.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I called home today to see how Ayden was doing since he was sick yesterday. He told me that grandma and him watched Animal Planet in bed before taking a nap. He said, "Do you know that dinosaurs are extinct? Do you know what extinct is mommy?" I was thinking he wanted me to tell him, so I was thinking about what I wanted to say. He then said, "Extinct means that they are dead." Then he continues on about something else. He is such a sponge. I need to remember to watch what I say around him. He is likely to believe me and repeat it. Last weekend he showed me two worms and asked why one was green and one brown. I just wanted those two worms away from my face, so I told him the reason they are that color is because of what they eat. One ate grass and one ate dirt. He proceeded to tell everyone that worms are different colors because of what they ate. I guess I need to start checking my facts before I tell him things since I know he will repeat what I have said.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Look Alike Meter

Well, some of my friends have tried this website that tells you who your child looks more like. I have determined that I need a better picture of myself and Wes. The only picture I could find of myself is the picture from right after I delivered Briana which is not the greatest. I also need to use a better of Wes. The one I was using was not the greatest. So, after putting in our pictures and then one of Briana, it said that she looked equally like both of us. I do not think I agree with that. I think she looks more like me. Well, I thought I would try Ayden next. I know he looks more like Wes. So, I put him in there and it said he looked equally like both of us. I admit that is some pictures Ayden does look a little like me but for the most part he looks like Wes. I think I am going to try this again when I am home with more of a variety of pictures.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


On Sunday, we had Briana dedicated so we had to go to church twice. When we went in the morning, Ayden thought he would talk to God. So, he started to talk to him looking up at the sky. "God, are you on your way to church? Is your mommy driving or your daddy driving? Oh, your daddy is driving. Well, see you at church." We also had to have a discussion with him about Jesus. He wanted to know where he was so we told him he was in heaven. He got very upset and said, "No, he isn't. He is in my heart." We had to explain to him that he was in two places. He then asked, "Does Jesus walk or run? Is he eating my food? What does he eat?" He asks a lot of questions. When we went to the doctor last week for Briana's 9 month check, Dr. Schweiterman said he was a very curious child.

As we were getting ready to go back to church, Ayden wanted to know why he had to get all dressed up. Briana was in the first group to get dedicated so we were able to dedicate her before she got tired and fussy. She did really well. After she was dedicated she said hi and waved. She kept saying hi. It was funny.

After the dedication, my parents, my brother's family, and all of us went bowling and played miniature golf. The boys liked the golf better than the bowling. There were too many distractions for the bowling.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Things kids say and do

Ayden is a very comical child. When he is in one of his funny moods, I tell Wes he is his child. Ayden has been telling jokes since around November because Aunt Rachel thought he was old enough for jokes. He doesn't get the concept of jokes so very few of them make sense. He will start a joke and finish with its a joke even if he doesn't finish it.

The other day I called home and he answered the phone. It was nap time and so I asked him if he was laying down. He said he was so I asked him if he was keeping his eyes closed. He said, "Mommy, if I keep my eyes closed I can't see the tv." He did eventually take a nap.

Briana is growing like a weed. She is so funny. She still says dada most of the time but every once in a while she will say momma. She only gets upset if she wants to be fed or wants to feed herself. The other day, Becky fed her two jars of food, Wes fed her one because he didn't know she had been fed, and I started to feed her another until Becky told me that she had fed her two jars.

Friday, February 20, 2009


I am one of those mothers who uses bribes on my children. Lately we have been struggling with Ayden staying in his bed. I don't think he even realizes that he is getting up but he comes into our room in the middle of the night, climbs over Wes and gets under the covers. Wes usually just leaves him there. It bothers me when he is there so I pick him up and take him back to his bed. This happens anywhere from 1 time to 3 times a night. It is getting old. So, the other day, Wes brought home carmel Cadberry eggs. Ayden loved it. I told him if he stayed in bed all night he got another one. This has worked for 5 days. It has been great. Last night, he did come in our bed again. This morning, I told him he didn't get the egg and he doesn't know that he came in the room. He thinks he stayed in his room. I am not sure what to do with him.
We also continue to have the battle with food. I do not think we will have that problem with Briana. She eats whatever you give her and gets mad when it is all gone. I thought if I told Ayden that Briana is eating better than him he would start eating more. He just wants to give her his food now. It makes them both happy. I keep telling myself that one day he will eat.