Friday, February 20, 2009


I am one of those mothers who uses bribes on my children. Lately we have been struggling with Ayden staying in his bed. I don't think he even realizes that he is getting up but he comes into our room in the middle of the night, climbs over Wes and gets under the covers. Wes usually just leaves him there. It bothers me when he is there so I pick him up and take him back to his bed. This happens anywhere from 1 time to 3 times a night. It is getting old. So, the other day, Wes brought home carmel Cadberry eggs. Ayden loved it. I told him if he stayed in bed all night he got another one. This has worked for 5 days. It has been great. Last night, he did come in our bed again. This morning, I told him he didn't get the egg and he doesn't know that he came in the room. He thinks he stayed in his room. I am not sure what to do with him.
We also continue to have the battle with food. I do not think we will have that problem with Briana. She eats whatever you give her and gets mad when it is all gone. I thought if I told Ayden that Briana is eating better than him he would start eating more. He just wants to give her his food now. It makes them both happy. I keep telling myself that one day he will eat.